Monday, July 30, 2007

Back Home Again

I made it home in one piece and sore face muscles from laughing so much in the mini-van. Here are some things that I'm still smiling about:

- 4 girls and 3 guys singing "You Raised Me Up" by Selah

- mad libs

- theological discussions over meals

- taking the train to South Bend

I had a blast in Colorado and now I'm home praying that the Lord will finish things up in the next 2 weeks so that I can leave to go back to Colorado for STINT briefing and then on to Mexico City!

Here are some things you can pray for:

  • that God will raise the last $380/monthly in two weeks

  • for good times with my family

  • for healthy endings at home

  • that my brain will be able to retain all the information from the conferences that I have attended and will attend

  • that God would continue to take care of my intestinal track as I tread through changes

I also got to meet my niece Carly yesterday! What a cutie!

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